#snake water gun, or rock paper scissor
import random
def gameWin (comp ,you):
if comp == you: # if two values are equal declear a tie
return None
#check for all possibilities when computer chose "s"
elif comp == 's':
if you == 'w':
elif you== 'g':
return True
#check for all possibilities when computer chose "w"
elif comp == 'w':
if you == 'g':
return False
elif you== 's':
return True
#check for all possibilities when computer chose "g"
elif comp == 'g':
if you == 's':
return False
elif you== 'w':
return True
# If you want to change "S" 'W' 'G' to 'R", P, S you can
print("comp Turn: Snake(s) Water(w) Gun(g)? ")
randNo = random.randint(1,3)
if randNo ==1 :
comp = 's'
elif randNo ==2 :
comp = 'w'
elif randNo ==3:
comp = 'g'
#b= input("player 1 turn: Snake(s) Water(w) Gun(g)?") if you do not want to play with computer# change variable comp to b, and remove that random variable,
# as random is introduced computer always chose random number
# you can put statement to print like "hey dear it's your turn " it looks impressive
you= input("your Turn: Snake(s) Water(w) Gun(g)?")
a= gameWin(comp, you)
print (f" Computer chose {comp}")
print (f" You chose {you}")
if a == None:
print ("The game is tie! ")
elif a:
print(" Congratulations , You win..!")
else :
print("You loose..!")
#b= input("player 1 turn: Snake(s) Water(w) Gun(g)?")
###### just enjoy it.....
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