# Sets in python Date 01_07_2019
b = {} # it is an empty set but it is not empty set is an empty Dictionary
print(type(b)) #class <'dict'>
a = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
print(type(a)) # <Class 'set'>
a = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1 }
print(a) # it ignore one 1 bc, set definition "Set is a collection of non repetitive elements"
# if we want to write an empty set use {}
# Empty set
a = {}
print (type(a)) # it is a dictionary type not a set
# an empty set can create using syntex
c =set()
print(type(c)) # to add some thing on set c we use .add function
#c.add(9 ,5, 7) we cant add more then one element like this
# set methods
c =set()
print(type(c)) # to add something on set 'c' we use .add function
#c.add(9 ,5, 7) we cant add more then one element like this ie cant add any list [3,4,5] ,
c.add(5), # list is changeable but set is no so we cant add list, but can add tuple c.add((4, 6, 8))
print (c) ## Accessing Element from set
c.add(7), # set is not allow repetition so only one 7 is produce as response {3,5,7}
c.add((4, 6, 8)) #tuple adds as a single element,,,, can we add dictionary
#c.add({2:6}) # unshushable type ie cant add dictionary "hasable means unalterable" , we can change its element
print(len(c)) #there is only 4 elements in this ,len() length of set
c.remove(5) # it remove 5, ie we can remove any element from set ut can not add
#c.remove(220) # throws an error trying to remove which is not present in this set
# if we use A.pop() it remove randomly any element and return same which would be delete
print (c.pop()) # we use this to pick any arbitrary number from set and remove from set
############################### dictionary
myDict = {
"fast": "In a quick Manner",
"Score": [3, 5, 8, 4], #between a pair separate by a comma,
"Sush": "A Physics and Mathematics Teacher , high school studies
is his channel where you can access all math's class for free",
"Dict2": {'harry':'player'},
'1' : 5 # 1 is key & 5 is value
print(myDict['fast']) # in this DIct I can access the value hold by a key , here key is "fast'
print(myDict['Score']) # in this DIct I can access the value hold by a key , here key is "fast'
print(myDict['Sush']) # in this DIct I can access the value hold by a key , here key is "fast'
print(myDict['Dict2']['harry']) #define inside a key-value
#methods to chane and update and search inside dicionary
myDict = {"fast" : "in a quick manner",
"sush" : "a teacher" ,
"laptop" : "an electronic device",
"Dict2" : {'sush' : 'student'},
"1" : "5"}
#Dictionary Methods
print(myDict.keys()) # print dictionary
print(list(myDict.keys())) # print dictionary in list form
print(type(myDict.keys())) # print dictionary type typecast
print(myDict.values()) # print dictionary
print(list(myDict.values())) # print dictionary
print(myDict.items()) # print dictionary it is also a kind of list with (key-values) pair for all contents
# first print my dict then update it ie add a new kvpair
print(myDict) # print dictionary
updateDict ={ "red" : "color",
"english": "language"
} # new (key-values) pair to add in the existing Dict
print(myDict) # print dictionary
print(myDict.get('sush')) #both gives same result if the key is present in dict otherwise
print(myDict["sush"]) # if key is not present [] it shows an error but (.get()) provide a none type data
print(myDict.get('rush')) # returns none as rush is not present
print(myDict['rush']) # keyError : 'rush'
# to know more go to google and search Dictionary methods on Python
########################################## examples:
#''' a program to create a dictionary if Hindi words with value
#as their English translation. Provide user with an option to look it up'''
myDict = {
"kalam" : "pen",
"chawal" : 'rice',
"Jaal" : "net",
"Kitab" : "book",
"Paani" : " Water",
"Barf" : "ice",
"Hawa": "Air",
"khushi" : "Happy",
print(type(myDict)) # to verify whether myDict syntax is correct or not
print("options are", myDict.keys()) # first see the key list
a = input("enter the hindi word >")
#print("The meaning of your word in English is : ", myDict[a])
# if key is not present in Dict it throw an error to avoid error we use __.get() function it returns "None"
print("The meaning of your word in English is : ", myDict.get(a) )
#A program to input eight numbers from the user and display all the unique numbers (once), "unique number" means A "set"
Num1 = input(" Enter number 1 >")
Num2 = input(" Enter number 2 >")
Num3 = input(" Enter number 3 >") ## input is use to call a data from user,
Num4 = input(" Enter number 4 >")
Num5 = input(" Enter number 5 >")
Num6 = input(" Enter number 6 >")
Num7 = input(" Enter number 7 >")
Num8 = input(" Enter number 8 >")
a = {Num1, Num2, Num3, Num4, Num5,Num6, Num7, Num8}
# can we have a set with 15int and 15str as a value in it
a = { 15, "15", 15.5} # solved 15 and "15"
print(a) # it print all three cc first is int, second is str, third is float. all three inputs are are unique
# what will be the length of set s
s= set() # set() is an empty set but s={} is an empty Dictionary
print(len(s)) # zero length
s.add(20) # it is an int
s.add("20") # it is a string
s.add(20.0) # 20 and 20.0 are same so count is both are int
# creat an empty dictionary. Allow 4friends to enter their Favorite Language
##as value and use key as their names. assume that the names are unique.
from flask import has_app_context
favLang = {}
a = input(" enter your favorite language Sush \n >")
b = input(" enter your favorite language Nagar \n >")
c = input(" enter your favorite language Dinu \n >")
d = input(" enter your favorite language Pochi \n >")
favLang['Sush'] = a
favLang['Nagar'] = b
favLang['Dinu'] = c
favLang['Pochi'] = d
print(favLang) # returnd as keys-value pair
#if two names are same what happen.
favLang['Sush'] = a
favLang['Nagar'] = b
favLang['Dinu'] = c
favLang['Sush'] = d
print(favLang) # it returns last updated value entered corresponding
# if two persons have same Language
favLang['Sush'] = a
favLang['Nagar'] = b
favLang['Dinu'] = c
favLang['Pochi'] = d
#returns same \\ Keys must be unique but not the values
# (0, 0,4, ) this is tuple #in set we can not enter any list we can add tuple, but cant change any element of set
#[2,3,4] is a list
################################################## good Day
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